Special Offer!

Please select which materials you would like to receive.
If you would like to recieve a free, 22-part postal correspondence course, which helps you to really get to know God’s message in the Bible and its relevance to today’s world and you, please choose which language you would like it in.
Items Part 2
Please select up to 4 of the following items.
If you would like to receive a free subscription to a magazine, please select which one.
If you would like to receive a free Bible reading planner to help you read the whole Bible in one year, please choose which language you would like it in.
A booklet showing convincing proof that God exists, and that the Bible is his word. If you would like to receive this booklet, please choose which language you would like it in.
A booklet about the return, soon, of Jesus to make the earth perfect for all people and nations. If you would like to receive this, please choose which language you would like it in.
A booklet with a simple presentation of basic Bible teaching for Christians. If you would like to receive this, please choose which language you would like it in.
A booklet about the history, beliefs, life and worship of the worldwide community of Christ-adelphians (Brothers and Sisters in Christ). If you would like to receive this, please choose which language you would like it in.
Contact Details
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